Are you passionate about innovation and driven to make a difference? Do you have a groundbreaking business idea with the potential to disrupt the market? Then join us for the Global Entrepreneur & Education Development for Students (GEEDS) Competition, a two-day online event hosted collaboratively by Universitas Negeri Malang (UM) and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Mark your calendars for September 25th & 26th, 2024! This virtual competition will be held on Zoom, providing a platform for students worldwide to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit and compete for exciting prizes
Open to currently enrolled students (bachelor degree) from any recognized university worldwide.
Individual or team participation is allowed (team size to be confirmed). Maximum member in each team less than 7
have a business proposal in accordance with the field of competition
Register in
Business Field
“Highlight Businesses Making a Positive Impact on Society”